Sunday, February 6, 2011


Greetings blog readers!

I like millions of other people on the internet, having been inspired by reading blogs, have decided to start yet another blog of my own. Yes, I am not new to this phenomenon. I have had a variety of blogs in my short life so far. Most of which were simply melodramatic public journals, where as a lonely high schooler and later college student I felt I could express myself without getting caught up with actually letting someone really into my own person struggles.

Thank goodness those stages in my life are over. This blog is something completely new, although definitely inspired by many of the blogs I have been reading over the last couple of months.

So with no further ado, I am now writing to keep a record of my attempts to feed my girlfriend. You see she is not your average girlfriend, she has food allergies galore! It’s actually a lot more complicated than that but for now you can just believe that she has food allergies.

A list of things my girlfriend cannot eat:
  • eggs
  • milk products, aka whey (No Cheese!!)
  • citrus
  • corn or corn syrup
  • alcohol and anything that involves fermentation which is a lot!
  • meat products, this is not an allergy but merely a choice to not eat red meat, therefore she makes an exception for chicken
  • too much soy, she does eat soy but she doesn't want to eat a lot of it which means for me not very much cooking with tofu
  • things with high fat content such as avocados or various nuts
  • fried food, due to her lack of a gallbladder 
  • any caffeinated beverage or chocolate

Now this list only includes the various food items which she knows for certain she will never be able to eat. Since she discovered her food restrictions four years ago she has been slowly reintroducing food. This too has been part of my adventure, trying to have her introduce new foods without having allergic reactions. Good thing she carries around and epipen. 

Now you might be asking yourself how I got into this predicament in the first place. I started dating Hannah about four months ago, well actually it was six months ago but that's a different story. On our first date we went out to my favorite dumpling place in the Lower East Side, Manhattan. I was so excited for her to try the dumplings, as they are the best in the whole wide world. When we finally get to the place all she orders is edemame, I was a little heart broken. We get back to the park where we are going to be eating and she informs me of her food allergies, of course, like I gave you all, she also gave me the condensed version. 

Luckily I was not thrown off by her food allergies, allowing us to make it the last four months. But that’s not to say that there were not a few obstacles to pass. The one main obstacle for me was that I could not cook for my girlfriend. You see I really like to cook, a lot, and especially cooking for other people. I also have certain things that I like to cook for people, but with Hannah I just couldn't continue cooking my staple dishes, unless I wanted to spend a lot of time in the hospital. 

Needless to say food became one of my favorite things to talk to her about. I would often spend an entire date asking what she could or could not eat. I quickly found out that all her food restrictions made her an unintentional vegan. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find myself dating a vegan, not even an unintentional vegan. Here's the problem. I have no problems eating meat, I think it tastes good and can really make a meal. I also really really like dairy products, how could I live my life without cheese or butter or milk? It seemed unthinkable. But if I ever wanted to cook for my girlfriend I was going to have to seriously change the way I cooked.

Bringing me to where I am now, experimenting with veganism. I have been to every vegan cooking blog, checked out hundreds of vegan cookbooks from the library, and bought vegan ingredients. Feeling prepared I set off cooking for myself and my roommates in order to prepare for feeding Hannah. 

Thus started my adventure to feed my girlfriend. Over the next however long I keep up with this blog I will attempt to record my attempts and hilarious antics which may occur at any moment while trying to provide diversity to my girlfriend’s diet.  

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