Monday, February 7, 2011

The Beginning

From the beginning of our relationship, food was an issue. More for me than for her. I would stay over at her place get up in the morning and scrounge around for something to eat. Of all her foods in her kitchen there was nothing that I would eat on a regular basis. In her whole kitchen I could only find; rice squares, almond milk, granola, apples, apple sauce, bread, rice noodles, pretzels, broccoli, carrots, soy beans, soy sauce, tomato sauce and peas. Seems like a stalked pantry, but no. Of all the items in her pantry I could't think of more than a couple of combinations for meals. For breakfast I guess I could have cereal, but what about the rest of the meals.

This of course meant that the first meal was up to her, really I just needed her to show me what she would do with her selection. She fed me a really delicious stir fry. Which at least told me she could cook. The stir fry became a problem when the next time couple of times we had a meal one of the suggestions was always stir fry. It seemed as though her entire repetoire of meals included a couple of different combinations of stir fry. Don't get me wrong, I mean stir fry can be really good for a little while, but if I'm only eating that every time I go over to her place, it could get a little tedious.

After we had been dating a couple of weeks she'd ask me what I want to eat, I'd be like... "ah... well I guess we could have stir fry..." It was always the same. I was getting a little anxious. Stir fry with rice noodles, stir fry with coos coos, every time stir fry. I mean it was really healthy, but I needed diversity.

Every once and a while she would throw in a curve ball, rice noodles and tomato sauce, but this was more like stir fry than pasta, and I was always hungry afterwards.

I seemed to be stuck. What else could we both eat? There seemed to be nothing unless I started pressuring her to introduce new foods. Thus starting my mission to diversify her pantry.

1 comment:

  1. Not true, I am an amazing cook! and I make things other than stir fry! (but true it is my best dish) :)
